
Let’s break it down.


Financial Services

Greenfield Media has developed several financing relationships to address the different kinds of content financing needs that various productions often face. The most common source comes from strong relationships across numerous studios and distribution entities that will Co-Finance projects to secure distribution rights. Greenfield Media also has aligned with two Movie Financing Funds that are actively looking to invest in Independent Film and TV projects. Greenfield Media also has assembled a Slate Financing backed by Private Equity. These broad cross sections of financing options allow Greenfield to customize its approach based on the unique circumstances that each project experiences.

Casting Evaluation and Script Development

Greenfield Media has over 30 years of experience in content exploitation across virtually every product category known. During this time We have been able to determine what genres over index on which distribution platforms. The same learning has occurred with cast and it’s salability across different consumer outlets. This organic knowledge has been dramatically augmented with a database that Greenfield has assembled by cross referencing several pieces of data from public sources. This allows Greenfield to rank cast based on actual recent sales performance data. The script evaluation process takes into account the likely distribution strategies as well as potential cast to create a more holistic vantage on each project.

Marketing and Distribution Strategies

Greenfield Media has an extensive marketing staff with studio level experience that allows it to provide very sophisticated on-line outreach and social media strategies as well as mid-level staff that can provide research and execution. Greenfield also has secured several distribution deals for North America that can provide best in class depending on project needs that can range from advance financing to low cost fee alternatives. These distribution deals ensure best in class coverage at retailers like Walmart, digital sites like Amazon Prime and I-Tunes and streaming outlets like Peacock, Roku and Pluto TV. Greenfield’s team has run some of the largest Independent distribution companies in the US and can provide unique operating insights.
